Cedetaş Mühendislik ve Teknoloji A.Ş – Cedetaş Mühendislik ve Teknoloji A.Ş

Cedetaş Engineering
and Technology Inc.

Industrial Automation

With its experienced staff, Cedetaş Engineering and Technology Inc. It offers professional solutions in your digital
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Life Safety Systems

Cedetaş Engineering and Technology Inc. which is one of the pioneers of the sector with its experienced staff and has signed many
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Project Design and Consultancy

As Cedetaş Engineering , my experience in design and consultancy since 1958; shares responsibly.
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Energy Systems

Cedetaş Engineering and Technology Inc. It offers professional SCADA solutions in monitoring, control, reporting and energy .
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CEDETAŞ in Numbers

To use technological innovations in the sector as part of our projects by combining them with our experience, to keep customer satisfaction at the highest level by offering turnkey value added solutions that do not compromise on quality.

Service Year


Completed Project


Fire Protection Area

18.5 km²

Controlled Power

460 MW